Thursday, March 13, 2014

for all my toddler mommas

I think by now, you know that I am obsessed with reading.  And currently my obsession lies within finding books, any book to help me be a better mom.  I just ordered a book from Amazon called, "The Toddler Busy Book". The book is written by Trish Kuffner and is targeted for 1 1/2-3 year olds.  She has another one for Preschoolers (ages 3-6). Now when I say I "just" ordered it, I mean it.  As in, I just read the first paragraph for the first time and I had to stop to record it here.  It seriously had me laughing and crying (emotions a mother feels when someone REALLY gets her situation). 

Just listen to this...

"Toddlers are at an interesting stage of development.  They can get around on their own, but they need constant supervision.  They understand most of what they hear but are usually unable to communicate their wants and needs effectively.  They want to do everything for themselves, but their skills and abilities are limited.  They want to try everything, and most of what they do is motivated by an interest in cause and effect.  ("Let's see what happens when...")"

Yes, I think this is going to be a good book for me.  (The idea of the book is to give lots of ideas of activities to keep your sweet, crazy child entertained and learning.)  I love the premise.  I loved the first paragraph.  My next few days' reading looks promising.

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