Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More on Acceptance

This morning during my early Brigham time and after my killer Jillian Michaels workout, I listened to a Power of Moms podcast on acceptance.  I loved something that one of the women said about it, "Don't let the things you can't change affect the things that you can." 

My acceptance plan for this week is to note the times during the day that I normally get frustrated and then find some things that I CAN change about the circumstance.  So without further adieu...

Problem Time #1: Getting out the door on time to any event.  Inevitably one of the children gets a messy diaper RIGHT before we leave, Eden has put her shoes somewhere and can't remember where they are, I discover that the diaper wipes are gone in the diaper bag...ect, ect.

Solution: Each night as part of my nightly routine, I am going to make sure the diaper bag is packed for the next day.  Sippy cup, formula, snacks, bottle, diapers, wipes, ect.  I will also make sure that I have coats and shoes for the chitlins in a spot that Eden can't get to.  I can't change the messy diapers or phones in the toilet.  I can change the running around to pack things last minute.

Problem Time #2: Dinner time.  My kids go to bed at 7pm, so dinner time is quickly approaching bedtime which means onery, hungry kiddos.  Nate gets home about the time that I am making dinner and helps with the kids and setting the table, but Eden only wants mommy when she is tired and our kitchen is tiny.  This means that normally Nate is holding Brigham and getting in the kitchen to set the table, Eden has brought all of her toys so she can play right at my feet, and I'm trying to cook in 2 square inches of spaces and walk around everyone and their toys while cooking.  Mostly the stress comes from feeling like I need to hurry because everyone is onery, and when I feel I need to hurry, I get stressed.

Solution: After lunch, I will set the table for dinner.  This means that Nate won't need to get in the kitchen while I'm trying to cook (2 less people in our TINY kitchen).  During nap time, I can come up with a project for Eden to work on in the kitchen that will keep her occupied while I put on finishing touches.  I can also turn on primary music or soft piano music right before we head into this time to set a peaceful tone in our home.  When I feel myself starting to get stressed, I will take a deep breath and realize that I can't change that my kids are tired, I can change how many people are in the kitchen and how I react to the stress.

***If you are interested in listening to the podcast, you can find it at  Click on "podcasts" at the top of the screen and then scroll all the way to the bottom.  I think it was the 4th podcast they ever did.

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